Final designs and images (JF & BP)

We went to the library and completed the final images. The final images we chose were a combination of all of our ideas built upon. Jessica edited and created the first rake image and magazine layout to open our three images. Then Beckie edited the fire and snow images and put them together with the help of Jessica. Sandy also helped to recommend ideas to add in to our final ideas.

We chose these final images because we felt that they not only walked you through the seasons from October to December but that they also all linked very well together. 

Our first image is portraying Autumn Is the opener page and the image displaying the rake dragging along the leaves and the underwear with it. To create this image and idea we thought to ourselves what most represents October (excluding Halloween) So we came to the conclusion of the Crisp leaves and them all being piled up on the streets. The idea of the rake came later when we thought it would be a good idea for the under wear to be raked up along with the leaves. When we edited this image we found that when the image was reflected it looked a hundred times better. We added a contrast and darkened the edges, keeping a highlighted centre and saturation to the leaves. We added the writing to left page in the blank spaces and the product details in the top right corner. 

Our second image is portraying November, specifically bonfire night. We chose to recreate a bonfire in order to carry off the month of November and to ensure that our images flowed well with each other. When we first set up the set on the day of the shoot it was incredibly hard to keep it all stable while the underwear was put on to it. But in the end we think we got the positioning right. When it came to editing, We decided that the image needed to be darkened around the top especially to give it that 'night time' feel. Then we lit up the bonfire area itself and added a light fire effect (done by beckie.) 

Our third image is portraying December/Winter. We wanted this image to be cool and crisp and in stark contrast to the warmer autumnal images. But the images still flow together with the use of the leaves under the snow. Almost like a leafs life cycle. This image turned out really beautiful, the snow looked a lot less fake when the photos were uploaded and edited. We cooled the image adding a slight blue tint, a contrast and some darker shadows to try and get the white underwear to stand out. This one we decided to create a double page spread as it worked best with the way we left the space at the side. 

- Rebecca Porritt & Jessica Flavell



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